
Looking for something to do?  Check out our list of fun community events!  Use our Category filter to view events from a specific organization or our Location filter to view events at a certain venue.  You can also click on a tag on a particular entry to see all events hosted by that organization, like Indian Prairie Public Library.

The City of Darien encourages and welcomes local organization to promote their community events on the EventBoard.  Is your organization hosting a community event that you would like displayed on this page? If yes, just click on the "Submit My Event" to get started.

Submit My Event

DirectConnect eNews

Sign up for “DirectConnect,” an e-mail subscription provided to keep residents up to date!

To subscribe:

Are you a local organization?

If you are a local orgnization and are interested in promoting your event:

  1. Read through our Procedures and Standards for Event Posting
  2. Click on the button below, to submit your event.
  3. Be sure to include a valid email address, in case we have questions
  4. Submission does not guarantee inclusion
  5. If you have any issues, please email

Submit an Event

Event Repeating:
Ex. Every other Tuesday, First Saturday of the month, the 10th of every month

If you have a problem submitting your event, please email us.